REGULAR CONFESSION TIMES Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 pm and if needed by appointment - Please call the office
For our school-going children: Parents, please encourage and bring your children to Church for Mass and Confession during the above times. Parents are the first faith educators. Let us help our young people by bringing them and teaching them to pray.
Welcome to our newly restored and beautiful St. Basil's Church built in 1867 (Parish established in 1842) and now restored in 2023 / 2024. This church building is among the few oldest standing churches in the Diocese of Hamilton. And, as I always say and believe, the walls of St. Basil's are soaked and blessed with the prayers of your beloved ancestors. Come and experience this holy and powerful Church for yourself... The Presence, The Faith, The Beauty and the vibrance of this multi-cultural St. Basil's Catholic Community in Brantford, Ontario.
Monday office closed. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - 9:30 am to 4 pm Thursday: - 11:00 am to 5:30 pm.
Messages left AFTER 4PM FRIDAY will be picked up on MONDAY. Unfortunately, we do not have a 24h messaging service.
In case of an urgent matter, Father will most certainly be available to talk to you on the weekend after each Mass. Please feel free to approach Father and he will willingly assist you.
FOR FUNERALS - Kindly notify the funeral home at your earliest. They will coordinate with the parish. You may also kindly follow up with the parish office - open from Tuesday to Friday, with messages checked on Monday. Father will be glad to meet and console the family in their grief and also assist in working out the funeral liturgy details.
Please proceed immediately to the Brantford General Hospital
After being admitted, kindly request the HOSPITAL STAFF to contact the "ON CALL" CATHOLIC PRIEST for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (bringing healing and incorporating the Last Rites). This sacrament of healing may be administered as soon as your loved one is sick; one does not have to wait until death is imminent. Please call as soon as your family member becomes critically ill.
If you have received the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites) recently, then let us trust that God is active and working within us and that this sacrament of healing is on going. However, you may certainly receive this sacrament again the following year if needed.
PRESS RED BUTTON, fill out the details, and your donation will be sent directly to the parish. Thank you for your support. Tax receipts will be issued instantly via email.
Sunday Mass - Fr. Kevin D'Souza, Parish Priest - St. Basil's Parish, Brantford. Ont.