The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization. Our mission is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ and the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. We provide emergency assistance to those in need. No distinction is made as to religion, colour or creed.
How Can You Receive Assistance?
If you live in the St. Basil area, please call 519-752-0243.
You will be asked to leave your name, address, phone number, number of people needing assistance and type of assistance you require.
The calls are picked up by a volunteer at 10 am Monday-Thursday.
You will be called by a Vincentian to discuss how we can help.
Based on your needs, they will provide slips for food, clothing, household goods and/or furniture.
You then take the slips to the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store at 143 Wellington Street in Brantford.
They will also provide you with grocery gift cards to be used at your local grocery store.
How Can You Help Us?
Volunteer, as a home visitor or at our SSVP Thrift Store.
Donate financially to St. Basil's St. Vincent de Paul through the Parish or the Poor Box at the back of the church or to St. Vincent de Paul Particular Council of Brant.